Master of Laws in International Business Law
“The Master of Law in International Business Law at Robert Kennedy College (RKC) has contributed significantly to my professional development. Having previously completed the Certificate in Corporate Strategy and Competitiveness at RKC, I am now more advanced both in theory and practice. My RKC experience was a rewarding one. This was enhanced by the eminent professors who were very helpful, patient, and kind to us students. I was particularly impressed by their knowledge and expertise in their respective subject areas and their willingness to transfer this knowledge to the students. My dissertation Supervisor was no exception. Under her skillful guidance and astute recommendations, my dissertation blossomed into the scholarly work that a Law Degree warrants. The diverse backgrounds and knowledge of the students also contributed to the learning process from which lasting relationships were built. I was able to learn from my location with other students across the world, and the tuition was manageable and flexible. RKC takes the whole person into account. I recall I had some family issues and was unable to complete a semester for which I was given the option to take the time off and return to the program at my convenience. If you are seeking to advance or change your career, Robert Kennedy College will assist you in doing so. I have no regrets in choosing RKC to be my preferred academic institution. ”

The MBA is the prime management qualification for managers. Designed for your success, the MBA creates distinctive managers with a comprehensive knowledge of the latest business practices.Managers, and even more so IT managers, have nowadays to deal with the interconnected business and technology worlds. While all these leaders usually have a deep background in information systems management, either acquired practically, or through previous tech-related studies, they are usually also accountable for leading a highly qualified team and overseeing key projects and assets. Long gone are the days when one could casually ignore business matters to focus on improving IT technologies and services. It is common knowledge that managers, be they in IT or not, who do not fully recognise and support their enterprise's business goals put their own job at risk. This is a key driver for managers, who want to gain exposure to how technology intertwines with business, seeking to gain an MBA. The MBA Information Technology answers this demand, providing students with the skills required to manage both IT systems and people, blending the established business knowledge of an MBA with specialised courses on Information Management and Internet of Things.

The MBA programmes benefit greatly from the internationality derived from recruiting students from across the globe, and drawing on tutors well qualified in their field.

Learn at Switzerland’s premier private college and graduate with students from over 130 different countries and from the University of Cumbria.

Study 100% ONLINE and graduate on Campus!

All graduates are invited to attend our graduation ceremony in Carlisle, England. You can check a video of the graduation ceremony here