4 years
Recognised worldwide
4 years
100% online via OnlineCampus (an interactive online learning environment) with intensive class discussion and collaboration.
We offer rolling admissions throughout the year. Register at any time and begin your learning journey immediately.
Standard Fee: CHF 13,000 (approx. 14,363 USD
or £11,598) payable in interest-free monthly
installments of as little as CHF 1,000 per month
(approx. $1,105 USD or £892).
RKC Graduate Discount: CHF 11,000 (approx.
$12,153 USD or £9,814), payable in interest-free
monthly installments of as little as CHF 916 per
month (approx. $1,012 USD or £817).
Annual Fee: £5,040 (approx. CHF 5,649 or $6,242 USD), payable directly to the University of Salford.
“My master's degree was completed through Robert Kennedy College in cooperation with the University of Salford, majoring in project management. This integration between them gave me the opportunity to obtain a great scientific value, although I did not have much time because of my preoccupation with work, as Robert Kennedy College provides great flexibility in distance study without affecting the value of the scientific subject. ”