Gain a Globally Recognised British Degree

Embarking on an MSc Project Management journey with the University of Salford and Robert Kennedy College offers you a British degree that is recognised and respected worldwide. This prestigious qualification opens doors to international opportunities, enhancing your professional profile and giving you a competitive edge in the global job market.

Our programme is designed to equip you with the skills and knowledge that are in high demand in various industries. The curriculum is comprehensive, covering essential aspects of project management, from strategic planning to risk management, quality assurance and beyond.

Complete Your Degree 100% Online in Just 1 Year

Our MSc Project Management programme is designed with flexibility in mind. You can complete your degree 100% online in as little as one year, allowing you to balance your studies with your personal and professional commitments. This accelerated learning model enables you to fast-track your career progression without putting your life on hold.

With our innovative online learning platform, you have the freedom to study at your own pace, whenever and wherever it suits you. You can access course materials, participate in interactive discussions, submit assignments and receive feedback from your tutors, all from the comfort of your home or office.

Study Anytime, Anywhere with Our Mobile App

Our mobile app allows you to study on the go, even while travelling. You can download study materials, watch lectures offline, and stay connected with your tutors and fellow students. This feature makes our programme truly global, enabling you to pursue your degree from anywhere in the world.

Whether you're at home in Johannesburg, on a business trip in New York, or on holiday in Paris, you can continue your studies uninterrupted. This flexibility not only enhances your learning experience but also allows you to apply what you learn in real-time, in diverse contexts and settings.

Experience Open Book Assessments

Our MSc Project Management programme utilises open book assessments, a progressive approach that encourages critical thinking and application of knowledge. Instead of traditional exams, you'll be assessed on your understanding of the course material and your ability to apply it in practical scenarios.

This method of assessment not only reduces exam stress but also prepares you for the real-world challenges of project management. It fosters a deeper understanding of the subject matter, enhancing your problem-solving skills and decision-making abilities.

Learn from World-Class Faculty

Our faculty comprises of tutors who have graduated from world-renowned universities like Oxford, Harvard, EPFL, University of Basel, and Washington University in St. Louis. They bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to the classroom, providing you with a rich and diverse learning experience.

Our tutors are not only academically qualified but also have extensive industry experience. They understand the challenges of project management in various sectors and are committed to helping you succeed in your career.

Join a Diverse and Global Student Community

Our MSc Project Management programme attracts students from over 130 countries, creating a vibrant and diverse learning community. You'll have the opportunity to network with professionals from various industries and cultures, broadening your perspectives and enhancing your global awareness.

Our alumni work for international organisations like Google, Microsoft, DHL, Dell, ICBC Bank, HSBC, Santander, Westpac, Accenture, Disney, United Nations, ICRC, The World Bank, Intel, Samsung, Tencent, Siemens, Sony. Joining this prestigious network can open doors to exciting career opportunities worldwide.

Flexible Payment Options

Our fees can be paid in up to 18 monthly interest-free instalments, making our programme affordable and accessible. We believe that financial constraints should not be a barrier to education, and we are committed to providing flexible payment options to our students.

Benefits for Graduates in Johannesburg, South Africa

Johannesburg, as the economic hub of South Africa, offers a wealth of opportunities for project management professionals. The city's diverse economy, spanning sectors such as finance, mining, manufacturing, and telecommunications, requires skilled project managers to drive strategic initiatives and deliver successful projects.

Our MSc Project Management programme equips you with the skills to manage complex projects, lead teams, and make strategic decisions. These skills are highly valued in Johannesburg's job market, opening doors to exciting career opportunities in various sectors.

Furthermore, the international recognition of our degree enhances your employability, not only in Johannesburg but also worldwide. Whether you aspire to work for a multinational corporation, a local startup, or start your own business, our programme prepares you for success.

Ready to take the next step in your career? Request our course catalogue and discover how our MSc Project Management programme can help you achieve your career goals.