Awarded a British Degree Recognised Internationally

Embarking on the MSc Procurement, Logistics and Supply Chain Management programme, you will be awarded a British degree that is recognised internationally. This degree, in partnership with the University of Salford and Robert Kennedy College, carries the prestige of a UK education, enhancing your professional profile on a global scale.

Whether you aim to work in multinational corporations or aspire to become an entrepreneur, this degree will equip you with the necessary skills and knowledge to excel in your chosen career path. The curriculum is designed to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of procurement, logistics and supply chain management, enabling you to apply these concepts in any international context.

Complete 100% Online in as Little as 1 Year

The MSc Procurement, Logistics and Supply Chain Management programme is designed for busy professionals and can be completed 100% online in as little as one year. This flexibility allows you to balance your studies with your work and personal commitments, without compromising on the quality of your education.

With no requirement for online presence at specific times and dates, you can study at your own pace, from anywhere in the world. Whether you are living in Port Harcourt, Nigeria, or travelling abroad, our mobile app enables you to download study material and watch lectures offline, ensuring uninterrupted learning.

Open Books Assessments

Our programme utilises open books assessments instead of traditional question/answer exams. This innovative approach encourages critical thinking and application of knowledge, rather than rote memorisation. It allows you to refer to a range of resources during an assessment, fostering a deeper understanding of the subject matter.

Our faculty comprises tutors who graduated from world-renowned universities like Oxford, Harvard, EPFL, University of Basel, and Washington University in St. Louis. They bring a wealth of academic and industry experience to the programme, providing you with a rich learning experience.

Diverse Student Base

Our student base is diverse, with learners from over 130 countries. Our alumni work for international organisations like DHL, Dell, Orange, Bosch, CK-HUTCHISON, BASF, Unilever, Daimler, BMW, Audi, United Nations, Google, ICRC, The World Bank, Microsoft, Intel, Samsung, Tencent, Siemens, Sony. This global network offers you the opportunity to connect with professionals from various industries and cultures, enriching your learning experience and expanding your professional network.

Affordable Fees

The programme's fees can be paid in up to 18 monthly interest-free instalments, making it financially accessible for many students. We believe that financial constraints should not hinder your educational aspirations, and we strive to provide affordable, high-quality education to all our students.

Benefits for Graduates in Port Harcourt, Nigeria

Port Harcourt, Nigeria, is a vibrant city with a thriving economy. With sectors like oil and gas, shipping, and manufacturing playing a significant role in the city's economy, there is a high demand for professionals with expertise in procurement, logistics, and supply chain management.

Graduates of the MSc Procurement, Logistics and Supply Chain Management programme can leverage their skills and knowledge to contribute to these sectors, driving efficiency and profitability. Whether you aspire to work in a multinational corporation or start your own business, this programme will equip you with the tools to succeed.

Furthermore, the international recognition of this degree can open doors to opportunities not only in Nigeria but also around the world. Whether you aim to work in Port Harcourt, elsewhere in Nigeria, or abroad, this programme will prepare you for a rewarding career in procurement, logistics, and supply chain management.

Take the first step towards a successful career by requesting our course catalogue. Request our course catalogue.