Awarded a British Degree Recognised Internationally

Enrolling in the MSc Procurement, Logistics and Supply Chain Management programme, you will be awarded a British degree that is recognised and respected globally. This degree, in partnership with the University of Salford and Robert Kennedy College, is a testament to your expertise and knowledge in the field, opening doors to global opportunities.

With this degree, you will be equipped with the skills and knowledge that are highly sought after by employers worldwide, giving you a competitive edge in the global job market.

Complete 100% Online in as Little as 1 Year

The programme is designed to be flexible and convenient, allowing you to complete it 100% online in as little as one year. This means you can balance your studies with your personal and professional commitments, without having to compromise on your learning experience.

With the online learning platform, you can access course materials, participate in discussions, and engage with your tutors and peers, all from the comfort of your home or office.

No Specific Times and Dates for Online Presence

One of the key benefits of this programme is that it does not require your online presence at specific times and dates. This means you can study at your own pace, whenever and wherever it suits you. This flexibility allows you to fit your studies around your lifestyle, making it easier to balance your education with your other commitments.

Whether you're an early bird or a night owl, you can tailor your study schedule to suit your individual needs and preferences.

Study from Anywhere in the World

With our mobile app, you can study from anywhere in the world, even while on the move or travelling. The app allows you to download study material and watch lectures offline, making it easier for you to study whenever and wherever you want.

This feature is particularly beneficial for those who travel frequently for work or leisure, as it allows you to continue your studies without interruption.

Open Books Assessments

Instead of traditional question/answer exams, this programme uses open books assessments. This approach allows you to apply your knowledge and understanding to real-world scenarios, enhancing your learning experience and preparing you for the challenges you may face in your career.

Open books assessments also encourage critical thinking and problem-solving skills, which are essential for success in the field of procurement, logistics and supply chain management.

World-Renowned Faculty

The programme is delivered by a team of tutors and faculty who graduated from world-renowned universities like Oxford, Harvard, EPFL, University of Basel, and Washington University in St. Louis. These experts bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to the programme, providing you with a high-quality learning experience.

Their diverse backgrounds and expertise will enrich your learning experience, providing you with a global perspective on procurement, logistics and supply chain management.

Diverse Student Base

The programme boasts a diverse student base from over 130 countries, with alumni working for international organisations like DHL, Dell, Orange, Bosch, CK-HUTCHISON, BASF, Unilever, Daimler, BMW, Audi, United Nations, Google, ICRC, The World Bank, Microsoft, Intel, Samsung, Tencent, Siemens, Sony.

This diversity provides a rich learning environment, where you can learn from the experiences and perspectives of your peers from around the world.

Flexible Payment Options

The fees for the programme can be paid in up to 18 monthly interest-free instalments, making it more affordable and accessible. This flexible payment option allows you to manage your finances effectively while pursuing your education.

With this option, you can invest in your future without putting a strain on your current financial situation.

Benefits for Graduates in Gambia

For graduates in Gambia, the MSc Procurement, Logistics and Supply Chain Management programme offers numerous benefits. Gambia's economy is heavily reliant on sectors such as agriculture, tourism, and trade, all of which require efficient procurement, logistics and supply chain management.

With this degree, you can contribute to the growth and development of these sectors, bringing in new ideas and strategies to improve efficiency and productivity. Whether you're looking to advance in your current role or seeking new opportunities, this degree can open doors to a wide range of career prospects in Gambia and beyond.

Furthermore, the skills and knowledge you gain from this programme can be applied to start your own business, offering services in procurement, logistics and supply chain management. This can contribute to job creation and economic growth in Gambia.

Ready to unlock global opportunities? Request our course catalogue and start your journey today.